Prayers of Intercession

Individual intercessions taken from this selection could be includes in the Prayers of Intercession on any Sunday of the Year or indeed for any para-liturgy in an Community or Educational Setting. Certain ones may be particularly appropriate depending on the Scripture Readings.

A selection of these Intercessions should be used on the Day for Life, which in 2017 is celebrated on Sunday, 1 October 

  1. We pray for couples preparing for marriage – that they may be blessed by God with the gift of children who are the fruit of their love. Lord hear us.
  2. We pray for parents who have lost a baby during pregnancy – that they may be consoled in their sorrow by the hope of meeting their child in heaven. Lord hear us.
  3. We pray for couples for whom the birth of a child poses particular challenges – that they may find within themselves and in the wider family circle the resources they need to welcome their child with joy and love. Lord hear us.
  4. We pray for our society – that it may be marked by a deep respect for the life and dignity of every person, young and old, rich and poor, native or immigrant, born or unborn. Lord hear us.
  5. We pray for the Church – that, inspired by the Holy Spirit who is the giver of life, we may bear witness in all that we say and do to the beauty of life in every human person. Lord hear us.
  6. We pray for Doctors and Nurses – that, in the midst of all the practical demands of their work, they may always see themselves as guardians and servants of human life. Lord hear us.
  7. We pray for scientists who are involved in biomedical research – that, as they seek new and better ways to heal the sick and to prevent disease, they may always respect the dignity of each human life from its beginning to its natural end. Lord hear us.
  8. We pray for those who make our laws – that they may always recognise their primary responsibility for the common good, which is the good of each and of all. Lord hear us.
  9. We pray for Journalists – that they may always have wisdom to recognise the truth and courage to write the truth, however unpopular it may be. Lord hear us.
  10. We pray for those whose work as pregnancy counsellors brings them into contact with women for whom pregnancy presents particular difficulties – that they may be good listeners and that through their support and friendship many women will find within themselves the emotional strength to continue with their pregnancy. Lord hear us.
  11. We pray for women who have had abortions – that they may experience the healing mercy of God and that, in the fullness of time they may be reunited with their child in the kingdom of heaven. Lord hear us.
  12. For all those who give their time and energy to the defence of human life – that God, who is the author of life, may give them courage and renew their energy. Lord hear us.
  13. We pray for parents whose children are born with life-limiting conditions – that they may be filled with a love from God which will spill over to touch their child and to enrich their love and care for one another. Lord hear us.
  14. We pray for our elected representatives – that, in their effort to develop a mature democracy, they will have courage, individually and collectively, to acknowledge, respect and promote the right to life of every person from fertilisation to natural death. Lord hear us.
  15. We pray for our society – that in defending the right to life, we may not be found wanting in providing for the practical, emotional and spiritual needs of women for whom pregnancy presents real difficulties. Lord hear us.
  16. We pray for children who have been adopted – that they may find love, acceptance and care in their family of adoption and that, in the fullness of time, if they wish to do so, they may be able to establish warm relationships with their biological parents. Lord hear us.
  17. We pray for those who work in the communications media – that they may be guided by the inner voice of conscience to bear witness to the truth about abortion and about life in the womb. Lord hear us.
  18. We pray for judges, whose responsibility it is to interpret and to apply the law – that they may recognise and be guided by the moral law which is written in the nature of every person. Lord hear us.
  19. We pray for healthcare professionals and especially for those who work in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology – that, inspired by the mystery of life, they may be fearless advocates for the unborn. Lord hear us.
  20. We pray for pharmacists and for all who work in the manufacture of drugs and medical devices – that they may always use their knowledge and their skills in the service of life. Lord hear us.